Random Occurrence Scenarios (ROS)

Play through Rotation One as normal but from the next rotation onwards, roll a ROS for every household. You can choose to roll for a ROS on any day of the rotation. But it is recommended to do the roll either on day 1 or day 2 of rotation to get the most drama out of the ROS.

Let’s Play!

What Comes Next?

Just because the social season is over doesn’t mean the story ends! Have children, build up estates, and keep the drama going!

Have children! But not too many! Roll a D6 to find out how many children your married sim has and hope they live to see their own children debut!

If a family is destined to have no biological or adopted children, a distant cousin will inherit the estate as stated in the entailment.


I have recorded the information for my families below. Feel free to delete all entries and create your own!


Set Up: