
  1. Seasons should be set to seven days. Aging should be off. Lunar cycle should be set to 8 days.
  2. Use Morbid’s Ultimate Decades Challenge-style aging (linked tracker included).
  3. Spares may not be played, but must live on one of their family’s properties (not the main family’s lot) after YA. Parents of the heir may not be moved off of the main family’s lot unless the challenge rules specifically say to.
  4. You must roll a d10 to see which legacy household you play at the beginning of each new turn. Add $200 to their family funds for “Passing Go”
  5. You must also roll a d10 for the family at the beginning of the turn. Families out of play receive rent when another family rolls their “lucky number”. If the family in play rolls their own number, nothing happens.
  6. Finally, roll for an chance card at the beginning of the turn as well.
  7. Play the rolled household for one season.
  8. There are three ways to lose this challenge: 1. Fail any of your generational challenges. 2. Have your line die off. 3. Go bankrupt (run out of money / property to sell)
  9. The first family to reach ten generations (or to own all the property in the game - not including apartments) wins! If all the other families die out, the last family wins by default.

Chance Cards


Example Pack Legacy Dashboard

Current Rotation


Chance Card:

Turn: 0


  1. Decide whether you want to download an empty save file, or simply create a new game. Then do that.
  2. Decide what your ten legacies will be and your personal rules for each family. Add them to the trackers below. (For example: I chose to do a prettacy, a rainbowacy, an adoptacy, etc.)
  3. Each founder can start in a different world, but their first property must be the largest lot in that world.
  4. Each founder should have a 5x5 home (one story, no foundation) with one of each of the following items:
  1. Each founder should start with $5000 after purchasing their lot and starting furniture.